Timothy Snyder „The lying and the truth”
The lying
that there is no Ukraine
that there is no nation
that there is no state
The war to make the lies true
The lying about the war
The shelling of Kyiv
The shelling of Kharkiv
The shelling of Chernihiv
The old beautiful cities
The shelling everywhere
The bombing everywhere
The ghastly siege of Mariupol
The attacks on refugees from Mariupol
The bombing of children in Mariupol
The lying about Mariupol
The attacks on refugees from everywhere
The reporters
The truth of seeing
The abducted
The deported
The millions in flight
The schools Those bombed schools
The hospitals Those bombed hospitals
The archives burned
The lying about the schools and the hospitals
The lying on Russian television
The lying at Russian funerals
The lying about death that enables
The killing for a lie
The future lying enabled by the burning of records about the past
The truth under everything
The rubble, the bodies
The volunteers
The truth of solidarity
The mass murder at Irpin, the bodies under tanks
The mass murder at Bucha, the hands behind backs
The mass murder at Trostyanets, the desecration of corpses
The cities, the towns, the villages, the countryside
The murders everywhere
The truth
Timothy Snyder – profesor Yale University, wybitny historyk amerykański, badacz dziejów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej XX w. W Polsce ukazały się m. in.: Rekonstrukcja narodów. Polska, Ukraina, Litwa, Białoruś 1569–1999; Tajna wojna. Henryk Józewski i polsko-sowiecka rozgrywka o Ukrainę; Czerwony Książę; Nacjonalizm, marksizm i Europa Środkowa. Biografia Kazimierza Kelles-Krauza (1872–1905); Skrwawione ziemie. Europa między Hitlerem a Stalinem; Rozważania o wieku XX (współautor: Tony Judt); Stalin i Europa, 1928–1953 (red. Timothy Snyder, Ray Brandon); Czarna Ziemia. Holokaust jako ostrzeżenie; O tyranii. Dwadzieścia lekcji z dwudziestego wieku; Droga do niewolności. Rosja. Europa. Ameryka.
Tekst wg: https://snyder.substack.com/p/the-lying?s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email [dostęp 04.04.2022]